Mobile Biosensing Diagnostics

Liquid biopsy point-of-care diagnostics

What We Do

From researchers at academic medical centers and veterinary medical clinics to individual consumers, Mobile Biosensing Diagnostics (MBD) revolutionizes diagnosis at the point-of-care, not the lab. With an optical microfluidic biosensing platform, we speed disease detection at a lower cost. MBD is bringing personalized medicine to the masses.

The Product

  • Offer instrumentation at no cost, then sell reagents and services
  • PHASE 1: Research-use only test kits then direct-to-customer kits
  • PHASE 2: Veterinary in vitro diagnostic kits and testing services
  • PHASE 3: Human in vitro diagnostic test kits and testing services

Target Customer Pain Points

  • Academic research labs and veterinary medicine need lower cost diagnostic solutions while preserving the sample
  • Individuals crave answers, even anecdotal and non-diagnostic
  • Hospitals and diagnostic labs performing biopsies need cheaper, safer alternatives with faster recovery and results
  • Retail pharmacies need additional revenue streams


  • Low cost, highly accurate, mobile point-of-care diagnostic platform
  • Incorporates detection of genome, proteome, secretome targets with the same urine, blood, or lavage sample
  • Quantifies protein activity, improves sensitivity, streamlines processing, and simplifies the user experience

Market Size

Global in vitro diagnostics market is estimated to reach $75.1 billion by 2020. The emerging liquid biopsy market is gaining traction as a $15 billion market during the same period.

Progress & Milestones

  • Maintain patent and expand intellectual property portfolio
  • Complete pilot to clinically validate hardware, software, and conclusions
  • Established partnerships with established in vitro diagnostic companies
  • Prepared for early stage product dev & testing at KSU Veterinary School


  • Alan Brasier, MD
  • Stefan Bossmann, PhD
  • Massoud Matamedi, PhD
  • Chris Culbertson, PhD

Management Team

  • Alexander Vo, PhD
  • Chris Brandt, JD
  • Ryan Westberry, MS, MBA
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